CUBIC ORIGINAL Pop-up Sample Sale 2.0 is happening!
BACK by popular demand:
CUBIC Pop-up Sample Sale 2.0 or as we call it
“your one-stop-shop for all of your Christmas shopping”!
It is true! We’re hosting another one!
After 10000 people over the spam of 4 crazy days in the Truman Brewery, back in October, we decided to have another one, with over 1000 pieces from our archives.
The week-long sample sale will be hosted in our central London showroom, and you might have a second chance to grab that jacket, or dress, at up to -80% discount!
Did we mention the give-away competition? No?
Well then, all you have to do is post a photo with your CUBIC piece, tag us @cubic_original and use code #lovecubicoriginaland you’re in the run for our £500gift voucher!
Who: CUBIC Original Sample Sale < -80%! Whoop Whoop